söndag 6 november 2011

All Saints Day

One more weekend has passed!

This time the week disappeared quicker since I had school on Saturday, because we were off last Monday.
All Saints day here was cool. Linneas dad and sister left, so she took them down to town to go to the airport, and then we meet there for going shopping. When I came down around 17.30, students from Vilnius social something school had put out candles all the way along Laisves Aleja, probably starting somewhere in the Old Town and then all the way to Sv. arkangelo Mykolo, the big church in Kaunas City. Along the way is was written Sielus Upë, which means Soul river. I think I was very nice. We went into the church to look, and they had a ceremony with a lot of candles and incense, and it was very nice. The weather was nice, it was dark and a little bit chilly, but you could still see the stars, and all the leaves were orange and this together with all the candles it felt special.

More than than that, we have done 3 more tests, in Latin, Botany and Anatomy. All of them turned out good, but the anatomy was hard. At least we have moved on from the skull to the legs, so we don't need to walk home with the big skulls anymore. I have never thought about how big skull a ox has before.... And how heavy it is. =P
So next week we only have a chemistry control work, and then a Lithuanian test tomorrow.
The test is on all the numbers, and how to make plural, and on the body parts.
"Man yra dvidesimt viena metai. It means that I'm 21 years old. They conjugate the numbers different if the thing is male or female, and sometimes they don't use plural, but put iu or u (u with a tail) instead of the plural ending. Very complicated, but I hope I will understand it before the test tomorrow.

We had problem with one of the teachers, but that seems to be solved and we will attend the same lessons in that subject as the medical students go to. The two bad things with that is firstly that it's in another part of Kaunas, so one day a week we need to be at two different places, and the rest on three different places every day. It takes a lot of time to travel back and forth, so we have lessons to 18.30 nearly every day... The other problem is that the medical students study in blocks, so they only have one main subjects at a time. So we need to study in the same speed as them, even that we have all our other subjects at the same time. But the good thing with that is after these 4 weeks of hell, we are done with that class. Hopefully it will solve itself somehow... If I don't write anything here during that time, you know why!

In three weeks Linnea and I are going to Exchange days with other international students, to another city in Lithuania, and I look forward to that! Also, mum and dad are coming here in the beginning of December, and after that it's soon Christmas!

Again, write comments so I can hear what you are up to!

Buvo labai malonu,

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