fredag 21 oktober 2011

First month here

Now it's exactly 4 weeks since i came here, and I can really feel it! The first days I thought it was scary to be here alone, to walk around in the neighborhood and things seemed to be so different from home. Now I know what a lot of the things in the store actually are, I understand some words I hear people use, I know the way to the park and the city and Kaunas has turned to be my new hometown.

The first week was slow, the second fast, and this week as flown away. We got a new schedule for next week, and I will have Lithuanian four days a week, instead of two really long lessons. That is good, but the bad side is that the lessons end at 18.30 on two days, so that will be hard. But hopefully, I will learn the language quicker. This week it was also better with the Lithuanian teacher, she nearly came in time, and didn't stress AS MUCH to get home again. She also told us a week before that we will have a test again. It's crazy, we have two lessons (and two chapters!), then one lesson (maybe) of repetition and then we have a test. If it continues in this speed, we will be done with our textbook before Christmas.
If we don't understand, we can always use the other Linnea's favorite sentence; Atsiprašau, aš nesuprantu. It means; Excuse me, I don't understand. Very, very useful sometimes. Unfortunately, she has stopped listening to that, she only says NEXT! and we are supposed to continue. But she actually smiled yesterday, so we are making progress.

Botany is good, the teacher has put in some Swedish words for strange plants, if we don't know all the names of the plats in English. IT is ok, and chemistry and Latin is good. Cell biology and Zoology could be worse. Anatomy is fun, we are done with the spine now, and had our first colloquium this Monday. I got an ox atlas, a pigs thoracic, a horses lumbar and the pigs sacrum, and I got most things right, only some small things that wasn't correct. So that turned out good. This week, and the next one, we are working with the skull. I didn't know it had so many parts, I thought it would be easy.. Stupid of me. But at least we got to take two skulls home, one from a pig, and one from a horse. I will try to upload pictures of them.

Otherwise than that, it takes a lot of energy to live with 3 other people, and to only be 5 people in a class. The four of us that live together are together for 24/7, and it's a little bit to interesting. I will try to look for an apartment after Christmas, when my schedule settles down a little.

Today we had homemade falafel for dinner, and then we will have brownies soon. I have started running again, so it's ok. =) The weekend will be spent studying, mostly anatomy and lithuanian.

PLEASE! Write a comment to me, so I know what you are up to as well!
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